Monster Media 1994 #2
Monster Media No. 2 (Monster Media)(1994).ISO
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File List
51 lines
BPRIZ100.ZIP 12819 06/13/94 Birthday Prize v1.00. Award login when they
| call on their birthday.
CPCONF39.ZIP 61927 07/31/94 Move Message conferences around.
DATAV50.ZIP 207953 07/28/94 The MOST ADVANCED archive viewer for WildCat!
| 4.xx BBS systems! Supports standard and
| digiboard ports. Views ZIP, ARJ, LZH, PAK,
| SDN, ARC, EXE, UC2, MOD and many other files.
FPRO40B.ZIP 146128 05/14/94 FilePro beta 4.0 for WildCat 4.0 bbs.
LOGGER39.ZIP 75943 05/16/94 Logger v3.9. The Ultimate Activity Log
| Cleaner.
PCOLOR20.ZIP 50416 06/22/94 PCOLOR.EXE v2.0 Add WC! "@" color codes to
| the double line file output listing from
| WCPro. Now supports WC!3.x and 4.x.
PMSTR400.ZIP 59782 07/29/94 PostMaster v4.0. Command line message utility
| for WC! 4.x. Post text files as messages from
| the command line. Very useful for posting
| logs as messages.
TBANK110.ZIP 287453 06/25/94 Timebank! v1.10. Many unique features.
TSU10W4A.ZIP 8379 08/06/94 TABS Upgrade WCX program for WC V4.0 Upgrade
| a caller's security profile & expiration date
| using the TABS billing service and this
| program.
WC40REC.ZIP 21469 06/01/94 WildCat 4.0 Programming Information including
| programming structures (Pascal) and Door Drop
| File information.
WC4ROBO.ZIP 75335 05/09/94 ROBOCOMM Utility converts Wildcat 4.x File
| Listings into Wildcat 3.x format so they can
| be imported into the ROBOCOMM datbase
| correctly. Allows new file scans "on-the-fly"
| like the 'N' command used to do.
WCMON213.ZIP 141522 06/13/94 WCMon v2.13. System Monitor and Control
| System. Simply the best monitoring system for
| a Wildcat multiline system. Allows virtually
| total control of your system from ONE
| station, Including Chat, system down AND up,
| user controls etc.
WCM_G10.ZIP 7745 05/04/94 WildCat! Multi-Goodbye utility for multiple
| Goodbye.BBS screens! Everytime a user calls
| your BBS, Multi-GoodBye is called up.
WCM_L10.ZIP 7722 05/03/94 WildCat! Multi-Logon. Create up to 2 PRELOGON
| screens for your BBS! Using this utility, it
| will switch between the screens call after
| call!
WCM_M20.ZIP 13691 05/03/94 WildCat! Multi-Menu v2.0. A NEW way for your
| users to look at your menus. With Multi-Menu
| you can let users see your menu[s] pop up
| randomly after each call.
WCTM16.ZIP 140674 06/21/94 Time door for Wildcat systems. V1.6.
WVT113.ZIP 18493 05/10/94 Who Visited Today v1.13 for Wildcat 3.xx
| BBS's only. Create a variety of displays.